3 research outputs found

    Improved Functional Flow and Reachability Analyses Using Indexed Linear Tree Grammars

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    The collecting semantics of a program defines the strongest static property of interest. We study the analysis of the collecting semantics of higher-order functional programs, cast as left-linear term rewriting systems. The analysis generalises functional flow analysis and the reachability problem for term rewriting systems, which are both undecidable. We present an algorithm that uses indexed linear tree grammars (ILTGs) both to describe the input set and compute the set that approximates the collecting semantics. ILTGs are equi-expressive with pushdown tree automata, and so, strictly more expressive than regular tree grammars. Our result can be seen as a refinement of Jones and Andersen\u27s procedure, which uses regular tree grammars. The main technical innovation of our algorithm is the use of indices to capture (sets of) substitutions, thus enabling a more precise binding analysis than afforded by regular grammars. We give a simple proof of termination and soundness, and demonstrate that our method is more accurate than other approaches to functional flow and reachability analyses in the literature

    Guaranteed Bounds for Posterior Inference in Universal Probabilistic Programming

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    We propose a new method to approximate the posterior distribution of probabilistic programs by means of computing guaranteed bounds. The starting point of our work is an interval-based trace semantics for a recursive, higher-order probabilistic programming language with continuous distributions. Taking the form of (super-/subadditive) measures, these lower/upper bounds are non-stochastic and provably correct: using the semantics, we prove that the actual posterior of a given program is sandwiched between the lower and upper bounds (soundness); moreover, the bounds converge to the posterior (completeness). As a practical and sound approximation, we introduce a weight-aware interval type system, which automatically infers interval bounds on not just the return value but also the weight of program executions, simultaneously. We have built a tool implementation, called GuBPI, which automatically computes these posterior lower/upper bounds. Our evaluation on examples from the literature shows that the bounds are useful, and can even be used to recognise wrong outputs from stochastic posterior inference procedures

    89C9 - 92Z

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